A. Curneen & Son offices
Main Services

What will Curneen Solicitors do for you?

  • Before Booking Deposit
    We will advise you on how much to pay, what you need to check, what you should agree and what you should receive in exchange for your booking deposit.
  • Choose an expert
    We can help you choose an expert to survey and snag the building on reasonable terms arranged for our clients.
  • Mortgage broker
    We can introduce you to a mortgage broker that will provide you with a very efficient prompt and comprehensive service affording you the opportunity to receive advices on many lenders and loan packages available.
  • Loan offer and contract stage
    We will go through the loan offer and contract with you and advise before you finally commit to the purchase. We will have investigated the title, the guarantee, the planning and raiseabout 40 pages of questionson your bwhalf to make sure that we are satisfied that everything is in order and safe for you to proceed and that same will be acceptable to your lender.
  • Precautions
    We will also discuss with you sole ownership, joint ownership and ownership in common with another and what precautions you need to consider.
  • Building is complete
    When the building is complete if your experts inspection or lenders surveyor lists any major snags then we refuse to close until they are attended to and if there are minor snags outstanding then these are dealt with by the builder giving an understanding to remedy within an agreed time.